Journal of a Realistic Lifestyle

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

How to make cheap clothes look expensive

Do you sometimes feel that your clothes look cheap?
Maybe you bought it along the road (winks*) and you are not confident about it. 

Probably it was of really low quality and you always don't slay cause your outfit game always look cheap af
Well, that's why you have me!!!

I actually know how it feels like to see those Instagram slayers, slay off their outfits and having you feel like your wardrobe is a disaster. You probably would want to look as good but you don't have funds, gadgets or you generally don't just know how to properly represent your wears.

Well, here are some certain rules or rather tricks that will make cheap clothes look expensive, game your slay quest and enhance your overall appearance.

Press, it wouldn't kill. I know how frustrating 'NEPA' could be with providing us electricity but as much as you can, always press(iron) your clothes. An expensive rumpled piece of fabric is as good as a rag (that's how serious it is). So ensure you press your clothes often so you'll look responsible, clean and expensive. I know a story of how a guy won best dressed graduating student with just a few dangling pieces of clothes in his wardrobe (No, sorry I meant Ghana-Must-Go). When he was asked how come he always looked good, he said he struggled to keep his iron up and running.

Make it fit. When clothes look over syllabus, they tend to look cheap. Most people would even conclude that the clothe was given to you on charity (Them dash am). If you purchase clothes that are "bigger" than you (whether cheap or expensive), endeavour to take them to the tailor to amend for you so they'll fit perfectly and game your slay. If a sleeve is too wide, or a shoulder is too narrow, or a pant leg is too long or too loose, the piece is going to look cheap. Period! Even if it costs a million dollars, if it doesn't fit well, it's just going to look like garbage.

Remove dead details. It wouldn't hurt if you remove worn out buttons and beads. You can replace them with good new ones just to generally make the clothe look neater and better. Tip: Gold botton generally make clothe look expensive.

Facials and skin. Make sure your face is on point. For females, tidy up your makeup (if you don't know how to, please stick with the basics). For males, freshen up your face, clean up your beard or shape them in a nice and responsible way.
Make sure your skin is healty with the right kind of moisturizer ( It really doesn't have to be expensive, I use baby pears - Its N400)

Clean up your accessories. Make sure your bag, shoes, shades.... (whatever) are cleaned up. You can't be wearing clothes that look good with worn out accessories. Polish up the 'polishable' shoes, amend the torn bags and you will be riding on top of your slay.

NOTE: This is only effective if you practice them.

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